A Introduction to Duty General Jiang Ziya

Get ready to step into the world of ancient China and meet one of its most legendary figures – . This brilliant political thinker and military strategist helped kings Wen and Wu of Zhou overthrow the Shang dynasty and pave the way for a new era of prosperity and stability. And now, Evony has brought Jiang Ziya to life as an Epic Historic General, This article will help players to know Jiang Ziya's Story, Special Skill, , and the ways to get Jiang Ziya in Evony.

General Jiang Ziya
General Jiang Ziya

The Story of Jiang Ziya

In 1046 BC, the Zhou army, led by Wu of Zhou and Jiang Ziya, defeated the defending army of King Di Xin of Shang at Muye.
Zhou army of about 50,000 men charged towards the Shang army of about 530,000 men and 170,000 slaves. Jiang Ziya charged at the head of the troops, beat the battle drums, and then with 100 of his men drew the Shang troops to the southwest. King Wu's troops moved quickly and surrounded the capital. Di Xin had sent relatively untrained slaves to fight. This, plus the fact that many surrendered or revolted, enabled Zhou to take the capital. After the battle, Di Xin set fire to his palace and perished in it, and King Wu and his successors as the Zhou Dynasty established rule over all of China.
As the most notable Prime Minister employed by King Wen and King Wu, Jiang Ziya was declared “the master of strategy”.

The Special Skill of Jiang Ziya

Six Secret Teachings
Increases ground troops' attack by 10% and ground troops' defense and HP by 15% when the General is the Barracks Officer.
As an Awakened General, the star of Jiang Ziya's Special Skill will be increased with his Ascending. Each star of Special Skill has its own attribute, and the details will be shown in the following picture.
[The Special Skill of Jiang Ziya]

The Specialty of Jiang Ziya (Max Level Attributes)

  1. Ground Troop Defense: Ground Troop HP and Defense +10%
  2. Formation: Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  3. Sage (Applied to Barracks Officer): Ground Troop Training Speed and Training Capacity +20%
  4. Battle of Muya (Applied to Barracks Officer): Ground Troop Training Speed +30%; Ground Troop Attack and Defense +15%
The Specialty of Jiang Ziya

The way to get Jiang Ziya

You can receive General Jiang Ziya from King's Party Event during Evony Happy Spring Festival Event. When you increase your Party Cake experience to level 10, you will gain General Jiang Ziya. Purchase to increase the experience of the Party Cake.
[Get Jiang Ziya from King's Party Event]

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