Enter the world of Yodo-dono, a prominent figure in late-Sengoku period Japan, known for her beauty and legendary deeds. Her legacy extends beyond history, as she now makes her mark in the virtual world of Evony. In this article, we’ll delve into Yodo-dono’s General Story, Special Skill, and Specialty as an awakened General in Evony, as well as how to obtain her.
General Story
Yodo-dono was the daughter of Oichi and the sister of Ohatsu and Oeyo. After she married Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was then the most powerful man in Japan, she became the mother of his successor, Hideyori. Yodo-dono experienced a period of large turmoil and overhaul, and she had an interest in both politics and administration. Alongside her son, Yodo-dono led the last anti-Tokugawa shogunate resistance in the siege of Osaka.
She is a prominently placed woman in the late-Sengoku period who has inherited her mother’s good luck.
Before the Winter Siege of Osaka, Yodo-dono sent envoys to Sunpu to see Tokugawa Ieyasu, but she soon saw through Ieyasu’s plot. And the commander of Osaka Castle adopted decisive measures at this critical moment.
Before the war began, Yodo-dono sent envoys to ask for reinforcements and gathered tens of thousands of samurai. Realizing that the defenses were extremely strong, Ieyasu had to retreat and sign a peace treaty after a long siege.
As a prominently placed figure in the late-Sengoku period, Yodo-dono is well known for her beauty and legendary deeds.
Yodo-dono Special Skill
Lady Chacha – Increases in-city ranged troops’ attack by 40% and increases in-city troops’ HP by 20% when the General is the Main City Defense General.
Yodo-dono is an awakened General whose Special Skill can be upgraded by Ascending. A new attribute will be unlocked with Special Skill adding a star. The details will be shown in the following picture.
Yodo-dono Specialty (Max Level Attributes)
Ranged Troop Defense – Ranged Troop HP +10%, Ranged Troop Defense +10%
Fortification – In City Troop Attack +6% (When applied to Main City Defense General)
War God – All Troops Attack +6%
Peerless Beauty – Ranged Troop Attack +25%, All Troops Defense +10%
Yodo-dono has been released at Evony 2022 Arena events, and players can get her during the Summer Festival Night event.