The Ways to Get and Use General Zhang Liang in Evony

Evony recently released a new named during their 2022 Anniversary Celebration. Zhang Liang was a prominent Chinese military strategist and politician who lived in the early Western Han dynasty. He is known as one of the “Three Heroes of the early Han dynasty” in Chinese history, and in Evony, he is also a powerful . In this article, we will introduce the story, Special Skill and of Zhang Liang first. And then discuss how to get Zhang Liang and how to use him correctly.

The Story of Zhang Liang

General-Zhang Liang
General-Zhang Liang


In 206 BC, a power struggle for supremacy over China began between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, which lasted for four years. It was during this time that Zhang Liang proposed a strategy to Liu Bang to counter Xiang Yu, known as the “Xiayi Plan”. Liu Bang followed Zhang Liang's advice, and by late 203 BC, Zhang Liang saw that the tide had turned in favor of Liu Bang as Xiang Yu had been surrounded on three sides.

Together with Chen Ping, Zhang Liang suggested to Liu Bang to renounce the Treaty of Hong Canal and use the opportunity to eliminate Western Chu. Liu Bang followed Zhang Liang's advice and granted land to Han Xin and Peng Yue. As Zhang Liang predicted, Han Xin and Peng Yue arrived with their armies and formed a coordinated attack on Western Chu together with Liu Bang's force, defeating Xiang Yu at the Battle of Gaixia in 202 BC.

Zhang Liang's contributions to the establishment of the Han Dynasty were significant, and he became one of the most famous strategists in later generations.

The Special Skill of Zhang Liang

  • Sage of Strategy:
    • Increases March Size by 8%
    • Increases attacking ground troops and mounted troops' attacks and HP by 15% when the General is the Rally Spot Officer.
  • Zhang Liang Features:
    • Awakened General
    • Stars of his Special Skill will be added by General Ascending
    • Each star has a new skill (details can be found in the picture below)

The Specialty of Zhang Liang

  • Ground Troop Defense – Ground Troop HP and Defense +10%
  • Formation – Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Sage (Applied to Rally Spot Officer) – March Size Capacity +6%
  • Strategize at a distance (Applied to Rally Spot Officer) – March Size Capacity +8%, Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack and Defense +10%
The Specialty of Zhang Liang
The Specialty of Zhang Liang

The way to get & use Zhang Liang

Join the King's Party Event during Evony's 6th Anniversary Celebration, and you can gain the Epic Historic General Zhang Liang at Party Cake level 10.
[Get Zhang Liang from King's Party Event]
You can click “Duty” on Rally Spot and choose Zhang Liang to be your Rally Spot Officer. But before that, you need to increase Zhang Liang's Attributes by increasing his EXP, enhancing him, and cultivating him.
When Zhang Liang's Attributes reach “Attack: 500, Leadership: 450”, he can be the Junior Rally Spot Officer. The stronger Attributes he has, the higher level of Officer he will be, and the more Benefits will be supplied to March Size Capacity. And you can check details in the “Duty” interface and in the table below.
Duty Titles of Rally Spot
Duty Requirements
Duty Benefits
(March Size Capacity)
Junior Rally Spot Officer
Medium Rally Spot Officer
Senior Rally Spot Officer
Special Rally Spot Officer
Super Rally Spot Officer
[The requirements and benefits of Rally Spot Officer]

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