Effective Siege Machine General Combinations in Evony

In the world of Evony, various types of Generals excel in different roles. For instance, Generals who have enhancements in Siege Machines through their Special Skills and Specialties are particularly effective at leading Siege Machine units. These machines are not just formidable in attack but also vital for defending the main city. Additionally, their substantial carrying capacity makes them excellent for resource gathering.

The Assistant General feature changes General strength dynamics, with skill conflicts affecting General combinations’ effectiveness. This leads to the question: what are some effective combinations for Siege Machine Generals? This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the topic.

Non-conflict and strong combinations of Siege Machine Generals:

Siege Machines’ Main Generals & their Special Skills Siege Machines’ Assistant Generals Assistant Generals’ Special Skills
Siege Machines’ Attack +40%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Surena Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Septimius Severus Siege Machines’ Attack +35%
Siege Machines’ HP +20%
Ulysses S. Grant Siege Machines’ Attack +15%
Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Mounted Troops’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Matthias Ⅰ Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
March Size +5%
Ramesses Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Defense +20%
Ground Troops’ HP +10%
Septimius Severus
Siege Machines’ Attack +35%
Siege Machines’ HP +20%Surena
Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Petronas Siege Machines’ Attack +40%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Ulysses S. Grant Siege Machines’ Attack +15%
Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Mounted Troops’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Ramesses Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Defense +20%
Ground Troops’ HP +10%
Philip Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10%
Napoleon Troop Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Matthias Ⅰ Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
March Size +5%
Ramesses Ⅱ
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Defense +20%
Ground Troops’ HP +10%
Petronas Siege Machines’ Attack +40%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Septimius Severus Siege Machines’ Attack +35%
Siege Machines’ HP +20%
Surena Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Philip Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10%
Napoleon Troop Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Ulysses S. Grant Siege Machines’ Attack +15%
Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Mounted Troops’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Matthias Ⅰ Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
March Size +5%
Matthias Ⅰ
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
March Size +5%
Petronas Siege Machines’ Attack +40%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Surena Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Septimius Severus Siege Machines’ Attack +35%
Siege Machines’ HP +20%
Philip Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10%
Ulysses S. Grant Siege Machines’ Attack +15%
Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Mounted Troops’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Ramesses Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Defense +20%
Ground Troops’ HP +10%
Napoleon Troop Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Troop Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Surena Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Septimius Severus Siege Machines’ Attack +35%
Siege Machines’ HP +20%
Ulysses S. Grant Siege Machines’ Attack +15%
Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Siege Machines’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Mounted Troops’ Attack + extra 15% with any dragon
Matthias Ⅰ Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
March Size +5%
Ramesses Ⅱ Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Siege Machines’ Defense +20%
Ground Troops’ HP +10%

The best combinations of Siege Machine Generals:

Based on the combinations in the above table, and considering the conflict between Skill Books and Special Skills, we calculated the strongest combination as follows.
  • If you choose Petronas as the Main General, the best Assistant General is Ramesses Ⅱ.
  • If you choose Septimius Severus or Surena as the Main General, the best Assistant General is Petronas.
  • If you choose Ramesses Ⅱ, Matthias, or Napoleon as the Main General, the best Assistant General is Septimius Severus.
If you do not have these Generals, you can choose your own combinations of Main and Assistant Generals, but you need to be aware of skill conflicts. Particularly, some generals’ special skills may conflict with some skill books. For example, the Special Skill of Septimius Severus will conflict with the Siege Machine Attack Skill Book. In this case, when Petronas is the Main General and Septimius Severus is the Assistant General, both the two Generals can not use the Siege Machine Attack Skill Book. As a result, the attack of this combination will be lower than Petronas + Ramesses Ⅱ because the latter two will not conflict with that Skill Book.

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