Evony General Introduction – Paladin Roland

Dive into the legendary saga of Roland, the first paladin, whose valor and chivalry echo through medieval France’s history. Comparable to King Arthur, Roland’s tale weaves through epic battles and heroic stands, symbolizing the essence of bravery and loyalty. Discover how Paladin Roland became an enduring icon of heroism, and explore the specialized skills that cemented his legacy in the annals of history.
Evony Epic Historic General - Roland
[Evony Epic Historic General – Roland]

General Story

Roland, the subject of the epic poem The Song of Roland, was the first paladin in history, who had impeccable virtue. Roland is a knight comparable to King Arthur in French times. He reflects the chivalry of medieval France and even the whole of Europe.
Roland was a Paladin of France. He rode on his steed Veillantif with Durandal in his hand and fought endlessly with all his strength to revenge for the brave soldiers.
Every boy who dreams of becoming a hero likes to repeat the story of Paladin Roland. Roland was a Paladin under Charlemagne. He had the sword Durandal and his Oliphant horn and was loyal to the king and his own faith. Even faced with conspiracy and slander, enemies and destruction, the real knight will always make his choice.
Finally, the French troops successfully evacuated under the cover of Roland. However, he fought to his death in Roncevaux Pass. Since then, chivalry has been like the stars of the distant middle ages. It began in France symbolizing courage and romance and finally ended in the river of glory.

General Special Skill

Glory Knight – Increases mounted troops’ attack by 30% and increases mounted troops’ defense and HP by 15% when the General is leading the army to attack.
Roland is an awakened General. So with General Ascending, the star of his Special Skill will also be increased. The details will be shown in the following picture.
[The Special Skill of Roland]

General Specialty (Max Level Attributes)

  • Mounted Troop Formation – Mounted Troop Attack +10%, Mounted Troop Defense +10%
  • Annihilation – March Size Capacity +6%, Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack +10%
  • Mounted Troop Ares – Mounted Troop Attack +10%, Mounted Troop HP +10%, Mounted Troop Defense +10%
  • Paladin – Mounted Troop Attack +25%, Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -20%
[The Specialty of Roland]

The way to get this General

You can use Gold to recruit Roland in Tavern. Please upgrade the level of Traven to increase the probability of refreshing Epic Historic Generals.
[Recuit Generals from Tavern]

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