The Most Comprehensive Guide of Evony’s Siege General John Hunyadi

Evony released a new siege-machine General, John Hunyadi, at the Christmas Event. As the regent of the Kingdom of Hungary, John Hunyadi was known as the ‘White Knight of Wallachia’ for outstanding achievements. To pair and use General John Hunyadi more reasonably, we prepared this article to help you understand him better.

The General Story of John Hunyadi

In 1456, after days of siege, the Belgrade fortress finally saw reinforcements’ arrival. John Hunyadi, the Regent of Hungary, led his knights like a storm in a relentless assault against the Ottoman forces encamped outside the city.
Amidst the deafening roar of arrows and cannon fire on the battlefield, Hunyadi swiftly broke through the enemy’s rear defenses. Although the enemy attempted to secure the fortress, Hunyadi’s foresight anticipated their move. He set fire to the walls of Belgrade with tar and cannon, turning the fortifications into a raging inferno. His strategic brilliance resolved the crisis of the breached fortress, leaving the Ottoman forces in disarray, unable to withstand his onslaught.
After a night of relentless pursuit, Hunyadi emerged victorious from the siege of Belgrade. This triumph not only earned him the title of ‘Defender’, but also shattered the Ottoman Empire’s ambitions to invade Europe.
Possessing not only supreme military acumen but also the brave spirit of a knight, Hunyadi became known as the ‘White Knight of Wallachia’.
Evony Epic Historic General John Hunyadi
Evony Epic Historic General John Hunyadi

John Hunyadi’s Special Skill

Regent Governor:
Increases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 45% and siege machines’ defense and HP by 15% when the General is leading the army to attack.
1* – Marching Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense +10% and HP +20%
2* – Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +10%
3* – Marching Siege Machine Attack +10%; March Size Capacity +10%
4* – Marching Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +15%; Marching Siege Machine Defense +25%
5* – Marching Siege Machine Attack +25% and Defense +35%

John Hunyadi’s Specialty

  • Siege Machine Assault: Siege Machine Attack and HP +10%
  • Bash: Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +10%
  • Siege Machine Ares: Siege Machine Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  • Siege of Belgrade: Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +40%; Marching Siege Machine Defense and HP +25%

John Hunyadi’s General Covenant

  1. Matthias I
  2. Jadwiga
  3. Suleiman the Magnificent

Covenant Attributes:

  • War Covenant: Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP +5%
  • Cooperation Covenant: Holy Palace Deserter Capacity +10%
  • Peace Covenant: Siege Machine Attack +5%
  • Faith Covenant: Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP -8%
  • Honor Covenant: In-Rally Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack +5%; In-Rally Siege Machine Attack +10%
  • Civilization Covenant: Marching Siege Machine Attack +15%

How to Get John Hunyadi

Limited time access:

  1. Historic General Summoning Event
Find it in the Event Center. During the Christmas Event, the probability of receiving John Hunyadi has been increased. And they promise that we can get him within 6-times summoning.
This seems to be the most efficient way to get it right now. You need to consume Epic Historic General Glory to summon the general. Epic Historic General Glory can be obtained from the last tier of the holiday event package.
Get John Hunyadi from Historic General Summoning Event
Get John Hunyadi from Historic General Summoning Event
In addition to the above event, you can also obtain John Hunyadi through the General Token. The General Tokens that include John Hunyadi are Adv General, Epic General, Epic Historic General, and Epic Historic General Premium.
  1. The 5th tier of festival event packages
Get Epic Historic General Premium tokens which may be opened to get John Hunyadi.
  1. Gem Purchase Event
Join it in the Valuable Event. Purchase the basic gems for 2 days, 4 days, and 5 days, and you can claim the Epic Historic General Premium token respectively.
Join Gem Purchase Event to Get Epic Historic General Tokens
Join Gem Purchase Event to Get Epic Historic General Tokens

Daily paths:

  • Limited Offer Event: Also check it in the Valuable Event. And join to get Epic Historic General Premium.
  • Wheel of Fortune: Spin the wheel to get a chance to receive Adv General, Epic General, and Epic Historic General.

One-time approach:

  • VIP Premium Package – Epic General (from General Token Chest) and Epic Historic General Premium
  • Champion Loyalty Rewards – Epic General (from General Token Chest) and Epic Historic General Premium

The General Combinations of John Hunyadi

If you have Pallas’s General Skin and do not consider the Covenant function, it is recommended to still use Pallas as the Main General, because you can avoid re-training the Main General. In addition, since Pallas’s original special skill requires carrying a Dragon or Spiritual Beast to be fully effective, if she is used as an Assistant General, both the Main General and the Assistant General need to carry a Dragon or Spiritual Beast to gain as many buffs. But the buffs of the Dragon or Spiritual Beast carried by the Assistant General will not take effect, so it is a little wasteful.
On the other hand, we tend to choose John Hunyadi as the Main General considering the Covenant function, because Pallas currently has no Covenant attributes that can be unlocked. But if Evony adds this function to Pallas in the future, it may have to be a different matter.
The combinations we recommend are shown in the table below.
Main General
Assistant General
The Original Special Skill of the Assistant General
John Hunyadi
Increases siege machines’ attack and defense by 35% when the General is leading the army to attack. And increases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack and HP by 10% when the General brings any dragon or Spiritual Beast to attack.
John Hunyadi
Increases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 45% and siege machines’ defense and HP by 15% when the General is leading the army to attack.
John Hunyadi
Increases siege machines’ attack and HP by 40% and March Size by 12% when the General is leading the army to attack.
John Hunyadi
Edward Teach
Increases siege machines’ attack and defense by 30% when the General is leading the army. Increases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 10% when the General brings any dragon or Spiritual Beast.
John Hunyadi
Increases siege machines’ attack by 40% and increases ranged troops and siege machines’ HP by 35% when the General is leading the army to attack.
When all attributes are at full level, among the above combinations, the one with the strongest attack attribute is John Hunyadi + Pallas; the one with the strongest HP gain for Siege Machine is John Hunyadi + Kleos.
Finally, the above combinations can use the “Siege Machine Attack” Skill Book.

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