Combine Ranged Troops Main and Assistant Generals correctly to be stronger in Evony

In Evony, Ranged Troops are the strongest troop type for PVP. With the release of the Assistant General function, we can combine every two different Generals to serve as Main General and Assistant General to be stronger. However, the Special Skills of generals who can lead the same troop type are easy to conflict when the generals are combined. In order to avoid this problem and enhance power, we have compiled some non-conflicting and strong combinations of generals who lead ranged troops. If you are interested, please read on.
Ranged Troops’ Main Generals & their Special Skills Ranged Troops’ Assistant Generals Assistant Generals’ Special Skills
Mounted Troops & Ranged Troops’ Attack +15%
Ranged Troops Attack +20% (with any dragon)
Princess Kaguya Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ HP +30%
Wallenstein Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10% (when launching Alliance War)
Tomyris Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Rally Capacity +5% (when launching Alliance War)
Simeon the Great Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Alfred the Great Ranged Troops’ Attack +30%
Siege Machines’ Attack +20%
Thutmose III Ranged Troops’ Attack +30%
Ground Troops’ HP +25%
Gnarr Ground Troops & Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Amr ibn al-As Enemy ranged troops & Siege Mechines’ Attack +15%
Enemy Ground Troops’ Attack +25%
Simeon the Great
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10% (when launching Alliance War)
Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Rally Capacity +5% (when launching Alliance War)
Minamoto no Yoshisune Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Elektra Mounted Troops & Ranged Troops’ Attack +15%
Ranged Troops Attack +20% (with any dragon)
Henry V Ranged Troops’ Attack +30%
Ranged Troops’ Defense +10%
Ranged Troops’ HP +10%
Harald III Ranged Troops’ Attack +30%
Ground Troops’ Defense +25%
Minamoto no Yoshisune
Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Princess Kaguya Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ HP +30%
Wallenstein Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Rally Capacity +10% (when launching Alliance War)
Tomyris Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Rally Capacity +5% (when launching Alliance War)
Simeon the Great Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Gnarr Ground Troops & Mounted Troops’ Attack +15%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Princess Kaguya
Ranged Troops’ Attack +35%
Ranged Troops & Siege Machines’ HP +30%
Minamoto no Yoshisune Ranged Troops’ Attack +25%
Ranged Troops’ Attack +15% (with any dragon)
Elektra Mounted Troops & Ranged Troops’ Attack +15%
Ranged Troops Attack +20% (with any dragon)
Henry V Ranged Troops’ Attack +30%
Ranged Troops’ Defense +10%
Ranged Troops’ HP +10%
According to the power of the above Generals, we recommend the following combinations under the condition of Max Level Specialty and Full Star Special Skill.
[Recommended combinations of Ranged Troops Generals]
  • For rally PVE or PVP, Elektra + Wallenstein/Tomyris will be the strongest.
  • For solo PVE or PVP, if you have Princess Kaguya, Elektra + Princess Kaguya will be the strongest. Then you can consider Simeon the Great + Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Simeon the Great + Elektra, Elektra + Simeon the Great, and Elektra + Alfred the Great.
Please note that if you choose Elektra, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and Simeon the Great to be Assistant Generals, you should also select dragons to go with them because their Special Skills need to be activated by dragons.
The above guide does not mean that you can only use these generals, you can make up the combinations that suit you based on Generals’ Special Skills & Specialty.

Weekly Events in Evony

Evony provides its players with more than just an immersive strategy gaming experience. Every week, the game introduces regular activities that infuse fresh challenges and rewards into the player’s journey. For those keen on staying updated with the latest in-game events, it’s advisable to regularly check the Events page on Evony’s official website.

“Evony: The King’s Return” is a premium product of Top Games Inc. At the helm of this innovative venture are the company’s co-founder and CEO David Guo, and Vice President, Benjamin Gifford. Both leaders anchor their gaming philosophy on the belief that an enhanced user experience is the cornerstone of successful game development. This commitment to player satisfaction is palpably felt throughout Evony, making each gaming session a memorable experience.

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