Alexander the Great, a legendary figure in history, serves as a ground-troop general in Evony, renowned for his prowess in leading Alliance War Rallies. Historically, he reigned as the king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and belonged to the Argead dynasty. This article aims to provide insights into his abilities, general combinations, and attribute bonuses through calculated suggestions, allowing players to harness his full potential in the game.
The General Story of Alexander the Great
Macedonia has been regarded as a small marginal country among the Greek city-states for a long time. After Philip Il defeated other Greek city-states, an anti-Macedonian storm was brewing in a brief calm. In 336 BC, Alexander succeeded to the throne at the age of 20. After defeating the city of Thebes, Alexander was awarded the generalship of Greece. In the following year, he invaded the Persian Empire and began a series of campaigns. Alexander the Great defeated the Persian army at the Battle of Gaugamela and captured the Achaemenid capital. And then he had a grand tour of central Asia and founded a series of new cities. In 324 BC, he finished his conquest that lasted 10 years and created one of the largest empires in history. Alexander the Great is the most famous military leader and the most influential person in human history.
The Special Skill of Alexander the Great
The Max-level Specialty of Alexander the Great
The Access Paths of Alexander the Great
General Portrait Exhibition
Available Item
General’s Invitation
Redeem Chance
Laurel Wreath Historic General
600 per time
General Hall Ⅱ Historic General
500 per time
Alliance Competition
Daily Ways to Get Alexander the Great
The final tier of event packages
Wheel of Fortune: Alexander the Great is available in Adv General, Epic General, and Epic Historic General tokens.
VIP Premium Package
Champion Loyalty Level Rewards
Limited Offer
How to Pair Alexander the Great
Main General
Assistant General
Ground Troop Attack Skill Book
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Basil II
Alexander the Great
The main general’s special skill is full of stars;
The specialties of the main general and assistant general are both at the maximum level.