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An introduction of Evony General Simeon the Great

Simeon the Great, usually referred to as Simeon I, is an emperor of the first Bulgarian empire. Simeon the Great is a warlike sovereign. Under his reign, Bulgaria experienced an unparalleled period of cultural prosperity and enlightenment. It was later regarded as the Golden Age of Bulgarian culture. This article will introduce the story, Special Skill and Specialty of Simeon the Great. And the way to get Simeon the Great will be sorted out in the final part.
Evony Epic Historic General - Simeon the Great
Evony Epic Historic General – Simeon the Great

General Story

In 893, Simeon succeeded the Bulgarian throne. The ambitious Simeon had a clear goal, which was the crown of the Roman emperor.
In the midsummer of 917, Simeon led 60,000 troops to invade the Byzantine Empire. After the victory in the Battle of Achelous, he marched to Constantinople the most solid city in the middle ages. Although it failed to break the wall of Constantinople, the Bulgarian army had already swept through the Byzantine territory and shredded the dignity of the Byzantine Empire.
In the following five years, the Bulgarian army came to Constantinople four times. In 925, Simeon ignored the Byzantine people’s protest and declared that the Byzantines had become his own people proclaiming himself Emperor of the Romans and Bulgarians. Simeon became the undisputed overlord of Southeast Europe.

General Special Skill

Empire Offensive – Increases Ranged Troops and Siege Machines’ Attacks by 20% when the General is leading the army to attack. Increases ranged troops’ attack by another 15% when the General brings any dragon.
Simeon the Great is an awakened General, so the stars of his Special Skill will be added by General Ascending, and each star has a new skill. The details can be followed in the under picture.
The Special Skill of Simeon the Great
The Special Skill of Simeon the Great

General Specialty (Max Level Attributes)

  • Ranged Troop Formation – Ranged Troop Attack +10%, Ranged Troop Defense +10%
  • Siege – March Size Capacity +6%, Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +10%
  • War God – All Troop Attack +6%
  • Battle of Achelous – Marching Ranged Troop Attack +35%, Marching Ranged Troop Defense +35%

The way to get this General

Simeon the Great can not be recruited in Tavern but can get from Epic Historic General order.
  • Purchase Packages
By purchasing the final tier of the event packages, you will have a chance to get an Epic Historic General order which has a certain probability of getting Simeon the Great.
  • Limited Recruit
Participating in the Limited Recruit Event, you can get the General Fragments of Simeon the Great when he is put in the event pool. Limited Recruit Event will change generals’ type each round. In order to get Simeon the Great, you need to wait for the Ranged Troops’ round.
  • King’s Scheme
Join the King’s Scheme Event, and you will have a chance to Simeon the Great after you redeem the third item – Epic Historic General (Super). Epic Historic General (Super) can only be redeemed once during the event time.
  • Wheel of Fortune
Turn to the Tavern in your city, and click the “Wheel of Fortune“. You can consume chips to spin, then you are possible to get the Epic Historic General order which can summon Simeon the Great potentially.
  • VIP Premium Package
When your VIP level reaches V11 and above, you can get Epic Historic General (Premium) from Premium Package. Use the Epic Historic General (Premium) and you will have a chance to summon Simeon the Great. Moreover, when you reach VIP14, 15, and 16, you can get 30 Historic General Fragments (Simeon the Great) from Premium Package.
  • Others
There may be Auction House Events, some special events, or other ways to get Simeon the Great in the future. Let us look forward to them.

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