Evony General Introduction – Dragon Knight Martinus

From a young age, Martinus was fascinated by dragons and dreamed of becoming the first Dragon Knight of the Empire. His obsession with the mythical creatures never wavered, even as he earned fame as a skilled Imperial Knight. Now, as an epic historic general in Evony, Martinus’s specialty skills and dragon-related abilities make him a formidable leader of mounted troops. Read on to learn how to recruit this cost-effective general and lead your army to victory in Evony.

General Story

Epic Historic General - Martinus
Epic Historic General – Martinus
Martinus is the son of Raged King, the elder brother of Elektra and Princess Lucy. He is known for his nobility and is related to the dragon race. When he was a child, the little lonely prince Martinus often played around the foot of a giant dragon statue. Among the many statues standing like a forest in the Royal Museum, only this giant dragon deeply attracted the attention of the little prince. Late in the night, the little prince escaped the guardianship of the nanny and struggled to climb to the head of the sculpture, with a small sword prizing off a red dragon scale.
This is Martinus’s first touch of dragon scales, hard transparent cuticles wrapped in deep red, dragon scales as if there was magic so that he could not get tired of seeing them. And it ignited a young knight’s dream. Twenty years later, Martinus, who had won the Imperial Knight Contest. But all his reputations were less famous than his obsession with dragons. Only “Dragon Knight” was Martinus’s most desirable glory.
Before leaving the Royal city, Martinus went to the Dragon Statue he played with as a child. The young prince stroked the badge carved with dragon scales on his breastplate, and his eyes were firm: the greatest glory of the first dragon knight of the Empire for a hundred years must belong to me!

General Special Skill

The Dragon Wakes – The attack of the mounted troops that are led by the General increases by 25%, and if the General brings any dragon, the mounted troops’ attack will additionally increase by 15%.
  • 1 Star – Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • 2 Star – Enemy In-city Troop Wounded into Death rate +8%
  • 3 Star – When General is launching Alliance War, Rally Capacity +6%
  • 4 Star – Mounted Troop HP +35%
  • 5 Star – Mounted Troop Attack +5% and extra +20% with Dragon

General Specialty (Max Level Effect)

  • Mounted Troop Assault – Mounted Troop Attack +10%, HP +10%
  • Strike – March Speed +10%, Marching Mounted Troop Attack +20%
  • Mounted Troop Ares – Mounted Troop Attack +10%, HP +10, Defense +10%
  • Champion Knight – When General brings any dragon Mounted Troop Attack +46%

The Way to Get Martinus

You can recruit Martinus in Tavern.

Martinus is a really strong Mounted General and is a cost-effective General for players who would not like to spend too much money on games. In this case, we recommend this General for leading Mounted Troops.

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