Evony General Introduction – Queen Jindeok

of Silla was a remarkable monarch who played a pivotal role in shaping the history of Korea. As the last monarch from the ranks of the Seonggol, the highest class in Silla's unique caste system, she ascended to the throne and became the second Queen regnant after Queen Seondeok. During her reign, Queen Jindeok's primary focus was on foreign policy, and with the help of General Kim Yushin, she was able to strengthen Silla's defenses and improve her kingdom's relations with Tang China. Her efforts laid the foundation for the unification of the three kingdoms and cemented her legacy as a great leader. In this article, we will explore Queen Jindeok's story and her unique abilities in Evony.

Reign and Achievements

During her seven-year reign, Queen Jindeok's primary focus was on foreign policy. With the help of General Kim Yushin, she was able to strengthen Silla's defenses and greatly improve her kingdom's relations with Tang China. Her efforts laid the foundation for the unification of the three kingdoms and cemented her legacy as a great leader.

Queen Jindeok
Queen Jindeok

Queen Jindeok in Evony

General Special Skill

Harvest Song

– Brings back extra 40% Resources from World Map Resource Spots
– Brings back extra 20% Resources from Alliance Resource Spots
– General must be leading the army

General Specialty (Max Level Effect)

  • Ground Troop Defense – Ground Troop HP +10%, Ground Troop Defense +10%
  • Jungle – Gathering Speed +10%
  • King's Ambition – Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city +10%
  • Queen of Silla – Extra Resources from Gathering +20%

Recruiting Queen Jindeok

Players can recruit Queen Jindeok in Tavern. To increase the chance of refreshing Epic Historic Generals, players need to increase the level of the Tavern. Currently, level 35 is basically the maximum probability.

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