Epic Historic General James Bowie in Evony

Have you ever heard of ? He was a 19th-century American pioneer, a legendary warrior, and the creator of the famous Bowie knife. But his impact on history goes beyond his innovative design. Bowie played a crucial role in the Texas Revolution, earning him the status of a folk hero in American culture. Even today, his name is synonymous with bravery and innovation. Let's take a closer look at James Bowie's Special Skill, Specialty, and the way to get him in Evony.

Evony Epic Historic General - James Bowie
Evony – James Bowie
James Bowie's tough character was created by his childhood wandering life. In a duel that people liked to talk about at that time, James Bowie, whose body was pierced through, still killed his opponent with a dagger. James Bowie became a celebrity at that time with amazing tenacity and perseverance.
In 1836, when the Alamo Fortress Campaign broke out, 7,000 Mexican troops launched a series of attacks. James Bowie and the rest of the 189 people made a doomed resistance. In the ruins of the Alamo, they made mortal resistance in every house and street, fighting until the death of the last person. Although the results were already doomed, their fierce resistance deeply shocked the later generations. The bloody flags and guns are still telling the legendary history in today's Alamo Museum.
James Bowie is regarded as one of the most representative Americans with his amazing tenacity and courage.

General Special Skill

Blade Warrior – Reduces enemy-mounted troops' HP by 20% when the General is leading the army. Increases ground and mounted troops' attack by 15% when the General is the Main City Defense General.
As an Awakened General, the star of James Bowie's Special Skill will be increased with his ascending. Each star of Special Skill has its own attribute, and the details will be shown in the following picture.
The Special Skill of James Bowie
The Special Skill of James Bowie

General Specialty (Max Level Attributes)

  • – Ground Troop HP +10%, Ground Troop Defense +10%
  • Fortification – In City Troop Attack +6% (Applied to Main City Defense General)
  • Ground Troop Ares – Ground Troop Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  • – In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +26%, Hospital Capacity +16%

The way to get this General

No.1 Recruit in Traven

You can use Gold to recruit James Bowie in Tavern. Please upgrade the level of Traven to increase the probability of refreshing Epic Historic Generals.
Recuit Generals from Tavern
Recruit Generals from Tavern

No.2 Use the item that can summon Epic Historic Generals

Participate in and redeem the second item “General Hall ⅠHistoric General“, then you will have a chance to summon James Bowie.
You will also have a chance to summon James Bowie by participating in King's Scheme and redeem the second item “Epic Historic General (Rare)”.
Get James Bowie from General Portrait Exhibition & King's Scheme
Get James Bowie from General Portrait Exhibition & King's Scheme
You can focus on various events in Evony to explore more methods to get this General.

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