Gain and increase General Turenne to lead your Ground Troops

Historically, is a French General and one of only 6 Marshals to be promoted to Marshal General of France. While in Evony, Turenne has been set as an who can bring many benefits to Ground Troops based on his Story. Today, we gonna talk about Turenne's Story, Special Skill, and . And the methods of receiving Turenne will be discussed in the conclusion.

The Story of Turenne

In 1658, Marshal of France Turenne led the allied forces of France and Commonwealth England to besiege Dunkirk.
Turenne began the battle with artillery salvoes, and the Spanish right flank was bombarded with some harassing fire from the English fleet. The Anglo-French army began to advance. Some Spanish cavalry from their reserve was sent forward and threatened the English but were defeated in turn by the French cavalry. Marshal Turenne took advantage of the receding tide to concentrate most of his cavalry on his left, and its advance enveloped the Spanish right wing.
The battle lasted for about two hours, and by noon Turenne had a complete victory that ended with the rout of the Spanish forces.

His military exploits over his five-decade career earned him a reputation as one of the greatest military commanders in history.

The Special Skill of Turenne

Crossing the River Rhine
When the General is leading the army: +35%; Ground Troop Defense and Mounted Troop Defense +35%.
Moreover, you can awaken Turenne by Ascending, and then his star of Special Skill will be increased. The details of Ascending Special Skill of General Turenne are as follows.
1st Star benefit: Ground Troop Attack +5%; Ground Troop HP and Mounted Troop HP +10%
2nd Star benefit: Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +10%
3rd Star benefit: Capacity +12%
4th Star benefit: Ground Troop Attack +10%; Ground Troop HP +20%
5th Star benefit: Ground Troop Attack +20%; Ground Troop Defense +35%
So, if you Awaked General Turenne by Ascending, your Turenne's Special Skill will become:
  • Ground Troop Attack +70%
  • Ground Troop Defense +70%
  • Ground Troop HP +20%
  • Mounted Troop Defense +35%
  • Mounted Troop HP +10%
  • Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +10%
  • March Size Capacity +12%

The Specialty of Turenne (Max Level Attributes)

  1. Ground Troop Assault: Ground Troop Attack and HP +10%
  2. Formation: Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  3. Ground Troop Ares: Ground Troop Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  4. Battle of the Dunes: Ground Troop Attack +30%; Ground Troop Defense +25%; Ground Troop HP +20%

How to gain Turenne?

No.1 Epic Historic General (Premium)

You will have a chance to receive General Turenne from Epic Historic General Premium. This item is a Token that can be used to receive an Epic Historic General that is not available in the Tavern. So, how to get Epic Historic General Premium?
You can receive this essential item from:
  • Purchasing packages
  • Wheel of Fortune
  • Auction House

No.2 Historic General Summoning

You can also use Epic Historic General Glory to summon General Turenne in the event probably. The Epic Historic General Glory can be obtained from corresponding festival packages.

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