Evony’s Michael VIII: A Guide to His Market Duty General Expertise

Michael VIII, the historic Byzantine emperor and founder of the Palaiologan dynasty, now graces the world of Evony as an Epic Historic General known for his adeptness as a Market Officer. This article delves into his captivating story, unique skills, specialties, ways to access him in the game, and his pivotal role in market duty.

The Epoch-Making Leadership of Michael VIII

In the 13th century, the fate of the once-glorious Constantinople hung in the balance as the Latin Empire threatened to eclipse the Byzantine Empire. It was in these dire times that Michael VIII, the Emperor of Nicaea, rose to prominence. His ascension marked the beginning of a transformative era for Byzantium.

Evony Epic Historic General Michael VIII
Evony Epic Historic General Michael VIII


Michael VIII’s reign began with a resolute vision to restore Byzantine glory. He initiated the Nicaean-Latin War, demonstrating his strategic acumen and military might in the Battle of Pelagonia. His victory against the formidable Latin coalition was not just a military triumph but a statement of resilience. He then led a successful campaign to reclaim Constantinople, effectively ending the Latin Empire’s rule and heralding a pivotal moment in history.

As the Byzantine Emperor, Michael VIII spearheaded extensive political and social reforms. His efforts culminated in a resurgence of prosperity, most notably seen in the revival of the Constantinople University. This era under Michael VIII’s guidance came to be known as the Palaiologan Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual rebirth.

Michael VIII’s reign is celebrated for its pivotal role in extending the Byzantine Empire’s legacy. From near collapse to a renaissance, his leadership remains a testament to one of the most remarkable comebacks in Byzantine history, solidifying his status as one of the empire’s greatest emperors.

The Special Skill of Michael VIII

Palaiologan Dynasty
Increases in-city ground troops and mounted troops’ attack and defense by 25% and in-city ground troops and mounted troops’ HP by 30% when the General is the Market Officer.
1※ – When the General is the Market Officer, in-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defense and HP +20%
2※ – When the General is the Market Officer, Construction Speed +10%, In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +15%
3※ – When the General is the Market Officer, Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -30% and Defense -20%
4※ – When the General is the Market Officer, In-Rally Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +20%
5※ – When the General is the Market Officer, Ground Troop, and Mounted Troop Attack +15% and HP +20%

Max Level Specialty of Michael VIII

  • Ground Troop Defense: Ground Troop HP and Defense +10%
  • Sabotage: Enemy Troop Defense -10%
  • Sage: (Applied to Market Officer) Resource Tax Amount +20%; In City Troop Attack +10%
  • Battle of Pelagonia: (Applied to Market Officer) Construction Speed +10%; Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack and Defense +15%

How to Access Michael VIII

During St. Martin’s Day Celebration, Evony has been opening the King’s Party event.
You need to participate in this event and level up your party cake by purchasing basic Gems.
If your party cake reaches level 9, you can claim General Michael VIII on the event page.
Get Evony Michael VIII from King's Party Event
Get Evony Michael VIII from King’s Party Event

Market Duty Requirements & Benefits

The Market Duty belongs to the Interior type. You can just click the “Duty” on the Market to search for it.
You can appoint General Michael VIII when his Politics and Leadership reach certain numeric values. If you want to level up Michael VIII’s duty degree to increase the duty benefits, you have to increase his attributes and appoint him again. The details are shown in the following table.
Duty Level
Duty Requirements
Duty Benefits
Junior Market Officer
Politics: 500
Leadership: 450
Resource Tax Amount: +30%
Medium Market Officer
Politics: 850
Leadership: 800
Resource Tax Amount: +50%
Senior Market Officer
Politics: 1,150
Leadership: 1,100
Resource Tax Amount: +70%
Special Market Officer
Politics: 1,200
Leadership: 1,150
Power: 3,100,000
Resource Tax Amount: +100%
Super Market Officer
Politics: 1,400
Leadership: 1,400
Power: 3,100,000
Resource Tax Amount: +140%

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