Vladimir the Great: Strategy and Skills in Evony

As an influential politician and military leader in ancient Russia, Vladimir the Great earned his place in history as the Grand Prince of Kiev. In Evony, Vladimir the Great is portrayed as an Epic Historic General, renowned for his debuff attributes, and is available for acquisition in the Tavern. For detailed insights into his special skills, specialties, and alternative acquisition methods, delve into this comprehensive article. Additionally, we offer strategic advice on utilizing this legendary general in your gameplay.

Evony Epic Historic General Vladimir the Great
Evony Epic Historic General Vladimir the Great


The Legendary Journey of Vladimir the Great

Vladimir’s ascent to power began in 978 when he reclaimed Kiev, his birthplace, from his brother, becoming the Grand Duke of Kiev. His reign marked a period of significant growth and prosperity for Kiev, prompting Vladimir to continually expand its territories. Notable achievements include capturing key towns from the Polish king in 981 and subduing neighboring forces. In 985, his conquests extended along the Kama River, where he established numerous colonies, bolstering Kiev’s strength to the extent that the Eastern Roman Empire sought an alliance through marriage.

The Special Skill of Vladimir the Great

Dignity of Grand Prince:
Reduces enemy troops’ attack by 10% and increases your ranged troops’ attack by 20% when the General is leading the army.
1※ – Enemy Troop Attack -5%
2※ – Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +8%
3※ – March Size Capacity +10%
4※ – Ranged Troop Attack +5%, Defense and HP +10%
5※ – Ranged Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%

The Max-level Specialty of Vladimir the Great

  • Ranged Troop Assault: Ranged Troop Attack and HP +10%
  • Siege: March Size Capacity +6%; Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +10%
  • Ranged Troop Ares: Ranged Troop Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  • Grand Duke of Kievan Rus: Enemy Troop Attack -10%; Enemy Ground Troop and Mounted Troop HP -10%

The Access Path of Vladimir the Great

  1. Recruit from Tavern

You can directly recruit Vladimir the Great in the Tavern by consuming gold. And you can use gems to refresh generals in the recruit list. If you want to increase the probability of your Tavern spawning Epic Historic General, you need to upgrade your Tavern as much as possible.
  1. King’s Scheme Event

Join the King’s Scheme event and cost General Memento *60 to redeem the 2nd general token item – Epic Historic General (Rare), which may open to get Vladimir the Great. You can redeem once a round.
The General Memento can be obtained by purchasing the event packages.
Get Vladimir the Great from King's Scheme Event
Get Vladimir the Great from King’s Scheme Event
  1. Alliance Competition Event

If you want to get a chance to get Vladimir the Great’s general token from this event, you need to work hard to get enough personal scores. There are three groups that have this opportunity, but their requirements are different.
  • Novice League: Personal score reaches 2,600 to claim General Token Chest*1, which can be used to get Epic General token randomly.
  • Junior League: Personal score reaches 3,000 to claim General Token Chest*2
  • Elite League: Personal score reaches 3,500 to claim Epic Historic General *1
Use Epic General and Epic Historic General tokens, and you may receive the general Vladimir the Great.
  1. Wheel of Fortune

Spin the Wheel of Fortune in the Tavern, and you will have a chance to get Adv General, Epic General, and Epic Historic General tokens.
Get Vladimir the Great from Wheel of Fortune
Get Vladimir the Great from Wheel of Fortune
You can use Vladimir the Great to be:
  1. Reinforcement General
  2. Assistant General
  3. Sub City General
In my opinion, Vladimir the Great is best to be a reinforcement general for the following reasons:
If he is an assistant general, the ascending attributes of the Special Skill will not take effect.
If he is a sub-city general, the March Size Capacity attribute will not take effect and the positive buff in the skill will only take effect on the sub-city troops.

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